Productivity for Scientists

1) a poster on Overcoming Overwhelm

2) a list of 126 Ways to Become More Productive

3) Olga's weekly Productivity Insights ezine

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Category Archives: Awareness

How to be the queen of your life

How to be the queen of your life

March is International Women’s Month! Congratulations to all the women. Many inspirational and interesting articles and videos have been shared throughout this month. And today, on the last day of March I wanted to share with you some of my thoughts on this… I have always felt conflicted about this day because I grew upContinue Reading

Travelling analogy to help with your deadline

Travelling analogy to help with your deadline

Today I want to share with you a strategy to help you get motivated and re-focus on your deadline! If you are a PhD student, you might be feeling lost or disheartened about your progress and doubting that you will ever get there. If you are a postdoc or staff you might have one ofContinue Reading

Your habit of making promises

Your habit of making promises

Do you find yourself making promises to your supervisor or your co-authors to send the paper by a certain date and then “missing your own deadline”? When we promise to deliver the data analysis or the paper draft to someone, and then we forget about it and miss the deadline, we feel really bad aboutContinue Reading

Toxic relationships and productivity

Toxic relationships and productivity

Today’s video is about toxic relationships in your work and life, be that your PhD supervisor, your parents, your partner or relatives and people in your friends’ circle. These toxic relationships can drain a lot of your energy, keep you feeling down, stuck and paralysed, they can delay your PhD for years, and make youContinue Reading

Your 2016 accomplishments

You have achieved a lot in the year 2016, although it might not feel like it just now. This is precisely why it is important to take time and reflect on what you have done and achieved in the past year. Take some time right now as you watch this video and remember your accomplishments,Continue Reading