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Category Archives: Mindsets

The power of positive affirmations

The power of positive affirmations

Earlier this month it was the 90th birthday of Louise Hay, the founder of the self-help movement and the concept of positive affirmations. Today’s video is about what those positive affirmations are and what they are not, and how you can use them to heal your life, to become more productive, to feel better aboutContinue Reading

Are you defining success in such a way that you constantly fail?

Are you defining success in such a way that you constantly fail?

Today we are talking about success, how you define it and the feeling you have as you go throughout your work and life. Is there a feeling of overwhelm and frustration? Do you constantly feel like you don’t get enough done, that you constantly do not as much as you wanted to accomplish? In today’sContinue Reading

From “I can’t” to “I can”

From “I can’t” to “I can”

Is there something you want to do or you need to do, but you feel you just can’t do? It’s maybe because you’ve tried and failed? Or maybe because it feels very difficult? Well today I want to offer you some motivation and inspiration, some words that will help you to shift from “I can’tContinue Reading

CV of failures

CV of failures

In our normal CV’s, we put down our successes, achievements and accomplishments. But recently some of the top academics have been coming out and sharing their CV of failure! This is where they show how many of their applications, grants and proposals have been rejected and fallen through. I just came from Sheffield where IContinue Reading

When writing feels *difficult*

When writing feels *difficult*

Today we talk about the moment when you sit down writing and it feels *difficult*! It is either when you are trying to make a start or when you are trying to get back on track. The ability to overcome this resistance when it feels *difficult* is paramount to the success of your whole writing.Continue Reading