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Are you very very busy? (and what to do about it)


Do you find yourself being very busy, constantly doing something, rushing from one place to another, and running out of time? Do you find yourself that you get up in the morning, rush to work, get busy in the office, then go to the lab, then to the meetings, talk to your students or to your colleagues or peers. Then there are e-mails to check and to answer, sort through the post, then there are coffee breaks and the lunch, skype calls with collaborators and telecons.

It never stops until the evening when you are already so tired, but then you probably have other things on your list, some sports activities or your involvement in a group, meeting with friends or cooking dinner.

If you have a family there is another layer of responsibilities and busy-ness overlaid on top of it, as you find yourself taking care of them in the morning, then again after your work and possibly through the night as well.

You are very very busy… but does it mean you are very productive? If you feel busy but not very productive watch the video above where I share with you how you can turn it around, and start becoming more productive even if you are a busy person!


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5 Responses to Are you very very busy? (and what to do about it)

  1. Anuradha S Kowtha says:

    Love this article and video Olga! You are so right–strategic, committed and focused are so important. Thank you for sharing these ingredients and how to build them to our success.

  2. Anuradha S Kowtha says:

    Love this article and video Olga! You are so right–strategic, committed and focused are so important. Thank you for sharing these ingredients and how to build them to our success.

  3. Thanks, Olga for this post! I certainly fall in the “busy” trap. I get done with the day and say… “Now, what did I do?” I went from thing to thing but didn’t really accomplish my goals. Yes, being strategic is key. What is really working in my business and doing more of it. Great reminder about being focused… it is easy for me to get distracted with the many “hats” I wear. Big hugs to you! Thank you so much!

    • Tricia, I totally get it, it is easy to get distracted with many “hats” we get to wear! It used to be me: busy, busy, busy… But not any more!! I am so grateful I’ve experienced this shift, and now when others tell me: “The children grown up so quickly, don’t they?” I just smile, because I slowed down my life so much so that I can enjoy my children growing up and also get to do other things I want, and it does not feel like they “grow up very quickly”. Every day here is enjoyed and appreciated. No more “rushing”!! 🙂

  4. @Anuradha, thank you for stopping by! So glad you enjoyed the video! You know it was inspired by our latest CABS meeting! 🙂

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