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Category Archives: Creative writing

21 ways to be more creative (by Christine Kane)

Today I am reposting an awesome post by Christine Kane from her blog, the original can be found here. Creativity isn’t a big deal. It’s like our breath. It’s just a part of who we are. Some of us don’t realize this. People who say, “Oh, I’m not creative,” or “I don’t have a creativeContinue Reading

How to make writing a paper as easy as Facebooking

As I hear from scientists and researchers, Facebook is a common reason for getting distracted when you sit down to write your paper or thesis. Why is Facebook so attractive anyway? Why is it so easy to go on it and spend the odd 10-15 we might be having available between various things we doContinue Reading

What to do when a disaster strikes. Part 3. How to deal with uncertainty

(click the image above to watch the video)  The ongoing United States federal government shutdown has affected many of our fellow scientists in the States and around the world. Labs are closed, pay checks are stopped and travels are being canceled. My thoughts are with you, if you or your friends are affected. The uncertaityContinue Reading

Can you imagine THIS? (A technique to help you make a start)

(click the image above to watch the video)  The topic of this video is how to make a start. We have already discussed this topic earlier and I have shared in my videos the techniques that will help you do just that: make a start. And today I share something I’ve never shared before: aContinue Reading

“I hate everything about my thesis” – all your questions answered

Last week I gave a free virtual lecture “Top 3 things that stop you from writing and completing your thesis – and what to do about it”. During the lecture I got many questions from the participants, and I took now the opportunity to answer them. Watch this 20 min video where I give evenContinue Reading