Productivity for Scientists

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2) a list of 126 Ways to Become More Productive

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Category Archives: Creativity

Are you taking breaks? (VIDEO)

Are you taking breaks? (VIDEO)

  You might be very busy with your work just now. It might be that you are doing your PhD trying to push the lab work, the data analysis and the writing to meet your thesis submission deadline. It might be your postdoc: there might be only few months left until the end of theContinue Reading

Putting in lots of effort but getting little results? (VIDEO)

  Do you feel like you are putting in a lot of effort but get little results? Does it feel like a struggle right now? Are you wondering where to get energy or fresh ideas for that last push to complete a project? It might be that you are quite exhausted after a long stretchContinue Reading

Why you do what you do?

Let me ask you this one question: why you do what you do? Why do you get out of bed in the morning? Why should anyone care? I hear it often from scientists that they get out of bed in the morning and come to work… by default; because there are things on their to-doContinue Reading

Your awesome 2014!

(click the image above to watch the video)  As the year winds down you probably find yourself thinking about what the next year will bring you. You may have been quite busy lately, and the one thing that comes to mind might be “so much work next year”. In this video I share with youContinue Reading

What to do with your to-do list

(click the image above to watch the video)  Do you make to-do lists that are very long? Do you struggle to go through your to-do list during the day? By the end of the day do you have a feeling of frustration, that you have not done enough and it is never enough no matterContinue Reading