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The biggest misconception about productivity

The biggest misconception about productivity


There is a big misconception about what being more productive really means.

A lot of people think (and you might be among them) that being more productive is about getting more things done. This can’t be further from truth!

Watch this video to find out what being more productive really means and start making a difference today!

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2 Responses to The biggest misconception about productivity

  1. Marina says:

    This video really resonated with me. I find it most challenging to discern between tasks during my day. It’s not always easy to know which ones are aligned with our priorities, so stopping for a moment before saying yes, or before initiating a task seems crucial! Thank you Olga.

    • Hi Marina, so glad you liked it! Yes stopping for a moment to evaluate the request on your time and attention is absolutely crucial and still it might seem difficult to discern between the tasks. If it still feels “not easy”, keep doing it, and it WILL get easier eventually 🙂

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