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What makes my clients cry

What makes my clients cry

It is not that I am a mean person and make my clients cry on purpose.

It’s just that I noticed that one particular question makes them quiet, some feel quite emotional, and few have shed a tear.

Incidentally, pondering on this question and answering it for yourself leads to some amazing breakthroughs and accelerates your progress. Watch this video to find out what this question is and propel yourself towards your goal!



In the comments below, please share any a-ha! moments you’ve got from the video above and what came out when you applied it to your situation!

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2 Responses to What makes my clients cry

  1. Rosie Mitchell says:

    Thank you so much for sharing this question Olga. I applied it to just one of my life goals and I had tears streaming down my face. I have realised I have a lot of crap that I need to work through to get to there but it was good to stop and think and to realise that my thoughts and beliefs are the only things that are stopping me from reaching my goal.

    • Rosie, this is wonderful that this question resonated with you! Well done for doing the work and imagining yourself where you want to be and letting the tears come out. You have brought yourself closer to your goal just by doing this! Hug, Olga

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