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Word of the Year

Word of the Year discovery tool

Making New Year Resolution is a tradition followed by many people around the New Year. I’ve certainly been a fan of this tradition for many years; I followed through with some resolutions, failed with others.

Some years ago I came across the discussion that the New Year resolutions don’t actually work and a study showed that 25% are broken within the first week, 53% are broken within three months, and 92% are broken by the mid-end of the year.

I have also learned an alternative way of setting an intention for the upcoming year, it’s called The word of the Year. I heard it from Christine Kane, my mentor from the year 2010, and have been doing it this way since.

You simply choose a Word to help you navigate your year. It helps you to get clear and set a powerful intention. It gets you focused on this intention and helps you realign yourself with your goals as you move through the year.

I’ve been using this tool for the last four years and seen quite amazing results. My 2010 Word of the year was Passion, and this is when I’ve set to find out what my passion is as I realised I’ve been doing things that are expected of me and that I suppose to do but not really something I really WANTED to do. At the end of that year I have started my personal blog at that has now grown into a thriving business.

My 2011 Word of the Year was “Listen”. I’ve shared in one of my earlier blog posts what happened that year due to my focus on that word.

For the year of 2012 I have chosen “Change”, and I could not recognise my life by the end of that year! After 13 years of being a scientist I’ve transitioned to being a businesswoman and entrepreneur and was helping many scientists around the world to become more productive and achieve better work/life balance.

I’ve chosen “Breathe” for the following year, just to give me a bit of “breathing space” to cope with all the changes. I also wanted to become more in the moment to enjoy the little moments of life and become more mindful of how I see things and react to the situations. That year I breathed through an amazing and (almost) unassisted birth of our little Anna, which was a very powerful experience. As the family we also moved to a bigger house with large garden away from the busy city where we used to live, and I’ve been enjoying space and improved quality of life since.

This year I am all set for growth!!

Does it sound like fun? Try it out!! Here is the tool from Christine Kane of Uplevel You to guide you through the process of getting clear, setting intention for the whole year and choosing your Word of the Year! CLICK HERE TO GET IT.


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