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Category Archives: Choice

Saying YES to yourself

(click the image above to watch the video)  Setting boundaries around your time and saying NO more often to the things you don’t want to do and that are not in alignment with your priorities – you know this is the way to make time for what IS important to you. You may have evenContinue Reading

START YOUR DAY GREEN and feel in charge of your day

Nutrition plays a big part in feeling energetic and being productive. Today I am sharing with you a blog post by my friend Marie-Claire Hermans, Energy for Experts Coach from Enjoy! START YOUR DAY GREEN and feel in charge of your day (by Marie-Claire Hermans) Are you feeling fatigued frequently? Do you lack theContinue Reading

Word of the Year

Making New Year Resolution is a tradition followed by many people around the New Year. I’ve certainly been a fan of this tradition for many years; I followed through with some resolutions, failed with others. Some years ago I came across the discussion that the New Year resolutions don’t actually work and a study showed thatContinue Reading

What to do with your to-do list

(click the image above to watch the video)  Do you make to-do lists that are very long? Do you struggle to go through your to-do list during the day? By the end of the day do you have a feeling of frustration, that you have not done enough and it is never enough no matterContinue Reading

It does not need to be so hard! (VIDEO)

(click the image above to watch the video)  Whatever you are working on right now, do you believe it is difficult? Are you affected by “everyone” around you saying that it is hard? It might be that you are writing up your thesis, about to move the house, trying to publish a paper or lookingContinue Reading